My 20 Predictions for 2015

January 3, 2015 at 16:53 | Posted in General Discussion, Politics, Space Travel | Leave a comment
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My predictions for 2012, which you can read below, were a mixed bunch of mainly misses but here I go again, comments always welcomed, please don’t swear TOO much!

1. At least one member of 1D (One Direction for those who do miss Top of the Pops, Thursday night 8:00pm) will leave the group, probably for rehab!

2. Chelsea will win the Premiership Title!

3. Manchester United will win the F.A.Cup!

4. There will be another Royal Prince born and Kay Burley will be beaten up by a rabid crowd outside St Mary’s Hospital, Central London!  (Bonus point if Nicholas Witchell is also roughed up, double if it’s by a member of the actual Royal Family!)

5. Lewis Hamilton will win the F1 title again!

6. Hung Parliament again, Tories form a government but not with the Liberals or an official coalition agreement!

7. Nick Clegg will stand down and become European Commissioner, no not the ones that open doors for people!

8. A major political figure from the past will be named in the abuse scandal, a past Leader!

9. Abba will reform for a TV show and a tour, I put this in every year just hoping!!!

10. There will be a return to ‘rioting’ (technically mass shoplifting with molotov cocktails) after the Tories form a government and continue their Austerity Policies for the poor!

11. The high street will lose another major name (like Woolworths) either going bust or a total buy-out but the name will disappear, could be a supermarket but maybe not! (Hedging my bets there)

12. There will be a nuclear incident, test, accident or in anger!

13. FIFA will get a new Boss and Qatar will lose it’s World Cup, Russia will keep theirs as everyone in the whole world is scared of Putin!!

14. Russia will invade Ukraine and claim the Eastern half for itself, the West will let them have it as everyone in the whole world is scared of Putin!! (Can you see the pattern yet?)

15. Virgin will end their participation in Space Tourism (Sadly the dream is over)

16. Oasis will reform!

17. The International Space Station project will collapse, it will be left, not permanently manned but not totally abandoned by the end of the year!

18. The Apple iWatch will not work, just too bloody small!

19. Mitt Romney will run for the US Presidency for the 3rd time in a row………and lose again!

20. New movies will be released for download at the same time as at the cinema!

We will revisit this list in a years time and mark it for stupidity!

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