My 20 Predictions for 2015

January 3, 2015 at 16:53 | Posted in General Discussion, Politics, Space Travel | Leave a comment
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My predictions for 2012, which you can read below, were a mixed bunch of mainly misses but here I go again, comments always welcomed, please don’t swear TOO much!

1. At least one member of 1D (One Direction for those who do miss Top of the Pops, Thursday night 8:00pm) will leave the group, probably for rehab!

2. Chelsea will win the Premiership Title!

3. Manchester United will win the F.A.Cup!

4. There will be another Royal Prince born and Kay Burley will be beaten up by a rabid crowd outside St Mary’s Hospital, Central London!  (Bonus point if Nicholas Witchell is also roughed up, double if it’s by a member of the actual Royal Family!)

5. Lewis Hamilton will win the F1 title again!

6. Hung Parliament again, Tories form a government but not with the Liberals or an official coalition agreement!

7. Nick Clegg will stand down and become European Commissioner, no not the ones that open doors for people!

8. A major political figure from the past will be named in the abuse scandal, a past Leader!

9. Abba will reform for a TV show and a tour, I put this in every year just hoping!!!

10. There will be a return to ‘rioting’ (technically mass shoplifting with molotov cocktails) after the Tories form a government and continue their Austerity Policies for the poor!

11. The high street will lose another major name (like Woolworths) either going bust or a total buy-out but the name will disappear, could be a supermarket but maybe not! (Hedging my bets there)

12. There will be a nuclear incident, test, accident or in anger!

13. FIFA will get a new Boss and Qatar will lose it’s World Cup, Russia will keep theirs as everyone in the whole world is scared of Putin!!

14. Russia will invade Ukraine and claim the Eastern half for itself, the West will let them have it as everyone in the whole world is scared of Putin!! (Can you see the pattern yet?)

15. Virgin will end their participation in Space Tourism (Sadly the dream is over)

16. Oasis will reform!

17. The International Space Station project will collapse, it will be left, not permanently manned but not totally abandoned by the end of the year!

18. The Apple iWatch will not work, just too bloody small!

19. Mitt Romney will run for the US Presidency for the 3rd time in a row………and lose again!

20. New movies will be released for download at the same time as at the cinema!

We will revisit this list in a years time and mark it for stupidity!

What if………

May 21, 2012 at 19:31 | Posted in General Discussion | 3 Comments

I have had this heart failure thing for 10 years, it pretty much rules my world, what I can do, who I can see, when I have to go to bed to sleep or just lay down for a few hours. It’s not a normal life for sure but I am trying to give it a little more structure. Going to bed at a normal time, trying to sleep at ‘usual’ times, not easy with insomnia, getting up at a decent time and setting times of the day to do certain things, an effort to be normal in some way, to have a normal life in some way.

Due to my Dad’s recent accident he has officially retired and no longer needs the new car he had bought days before the ladder slipped with him up it. I am buying it, good for me to have a little freedom, good for the family to have an extra car, works for everyone……but does it?

I don’t really have anywhere to go, I have lost contact with all my mates from 10 years ago and if I went to the pub on Saturday night to see them I would still have to go home after an hour or so and I could not manage it regularly.

I don’t have a partner or a girlfriend so there is no one to take to a restaurant for a quiet night out, an hour shopping, walking up the Pier at Brighton, a bite to eat and a film at the cinema in Crawley. For that matter no one to have a quiet evening in with just watching a DVD, Christ this is getting depressing.

Clearly my medical situation means I am not going to ever meet someone like that, I just don’t get out that much, catch 22. This means the thought of having a car outside in some ways actually makes me feel I have less freedom instead of more, once I have popped into the town and another day down to Asda to get my favourite curry where can I go? Idea’s come into my head but I know they are out of the question due to my health and the toll long drives take on me, it’s ok doing a 100 mile drive to somewhere you have always wanted to go but being too tired to come back until 4 days later is not ideal, and who wants to do that alone anyway, if you can’t share the moment what’s the bloody point.

Now having said all this I know to pass on the car would make me feel far worse, like giving up and sentencing myself to my 2 rooms forever and I am not ready to do that, I will never be ready to do that. I will use the car and I will enjoy it but that thought is always going to be in the back of my mind

What kind of a life could I be having right now without heart failure, would it be better, would I have someone, would I have a great job, would I be travelling and while that life does not exist why am I spending so many hours thinking about it?

It’s out of reach isn’t it..?

This is not me and is used as reference only, credit to Mr Brock Zylstra

2012 is an important year, for me

April 14, 2012 at 19:19 | Posted in General Discussion, Health | 5 Comments

2012 is going to be an important year for people all around the world, there is of course the London Olympics which is being met in the UK by a mixture of celebration and horror, depending on who you speak to. In America we have the Presidential Election which should be won by the incumbent but who the hell knows, it is America, and of course if you are of the Mayan persuasion then the world will end on 21st December, so that’s nice.

2012, for me is all about 2 very important anniversaries, both occur in April and both mark 10 years. On 16th April, at about 7:00pm it will be 10 years since I have taken an alcoholic drink and on 18th April, at about 3:00pm it will be 10 years since I was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy (Heart Failure). When I think about the last 10 years I have memories of strength and of great weakness related to these topics, satisfaction and achievement but also sadness and a life unfulfilled and somehow ‘on-hold’, maybe a life totally wasted.

Growing up I had always liked a drink, and I did drink too much by any standards. Was it a factor in the break-up of my marriage;  yes but it’s was not the only one. After the break-up my drinking took on a whole new level and a whole new importance, I would go to the pub instead of going home, the home I wanted to go back to not being there anymore.  My marriage ended January 1999, I moved back into my parents house a few weeks later and the rest of the year I drank after work every night and at the weekends.  I met some wonderful people, one of whom was going through a very similar break-up and we were able to share exactly the same thoughts and feelings.  This went on until Spring of 2000 when my work situation changed and it was then I had a breakdown of sorts;  just a few weeks after I had left behind those friends and the bar that had become my home.

The doctor gave me Prozac which seemed to help but I was now living on my own, deeply sad and lonely drinking became regular again, quite often on my own this time although I did meet some friends in a local pub that were willing to listen and support me, I was without a doubt at my lowest during 2000 and came very close to an ‘ultimate solution’ at this time;  once very, very close.

At this time my family were always there but I just could not find a way to ask them for help, the people who I had been able to listen to and who I had been able to talk to were all related to my drinking, in the pub, club, always over a beer or two.  My greatest pleasure in life after giving up drinking totally has been my family, my Mum, Dad, Sister and Brother-in-Law, they are my life now and my greatest regret is I could not have reconnected with them in 1999 after my wife left me.  This was totally down to me, they were there and just wanted to help but I rejected that help time after time, so sorry guys.

It was about the middle of 2001 when I began to feel unwell and my drinking reduced, I just didn’t fancy it much, I was getting breathless a lot and pains in my stomach.  Late summer of 2001 I went on holiday with my Sister and Brother-in-Law, the Monday of the week we were away in Lanzarote fell on what would have been my wedding anniversary, I did not handle the day very well or the whole week, I ruined the holiday totally and hate myself to this day for my behaviour, saying sorry just does not cut it really.

Of course I didn’t know at the time my heart was failing, a condition my Uncle suffers from as well, a condition I probably had from birth and that could have been responsible for other illnesses in previous years.  I knew something was wrong but never imagined it was something that serious, my Uncles situation was also unclear at that time.

It was a very strange Christmas and my health got worse in the first few months of 2002, I tried to get on with work and it was one of managers who insisted I go to the doctors and sort out what was going on before I came back to work (thank you Kay).  The next day I saw a locum and while she did not really want to do it I got an immediate referral to A&E, after waiting several hours in the waiting room the moment they put me on the ECG they saw there was a major problem.  Hours later I was in the Coronary Care Unit, days later I had an Angiogram which confirmed Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure and a few weeks later I was being seen at Harefield Hospital being assessed for the Heart Transplant List.

Two days before I went to the doctors I had gone down the town after work to buy new underwear, I was so sick and weak that after work I did not have the energy to wash all my clothes and buying new became a habit, that’s how bad my health had got.  When I had bought the items I realised the walk of a few hundred yards, uphill to my flat was not going to be possible so I called my sister to pick me up and drive me the couple of minutes home, she was on the way home from work and it was going to be a short wait so rather than sit on a bench as it got dark I went into a pub, not my usual one as that was half way home and I didn’t think I could make it.  I ordered a vodka and coke and sat in the window waiting for my rescuer, I had no idea that would be the last drink I would ever have and no I didn’t enjoy it very much at all.

There is no doubt at all that it’s easier not to drink when you feel unwell every single day but that’s not to say I don’t think about drinking almost every day, I miss it greatly and still feel the me without a drink is not as interesting and vital as the old me with one but it’s 10 years without and hope it stays that way.  Christmas and Birthdays without a hangover are so much better, partly because you can remember them.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy changed everything, as my marriage break-up had done 3 years before.  I had to stop work, I, once again, moved in with Mum and Dad although our relationship is very different from the one we had in 1999, really, really close and comforting, just what I needed.  While my condition is stable due to medication I still have regular Heart-Transplant List assessments every 6 or 12 months.  I have very little energy and don’t get out much but I make the most of what I have and push myself as far as I can whenever I can.  A few hours out can lead to a few days in bed but that’s the way things are so you have to accept it.

My Prozac has been raised to the maximum dose in the past year so it’s still a struggle and at times I want to scream about what my life has become now,  I do have plans in my head of things I would like to do but right now they are all beyond my reach.  I have not settled but I know my limits and in the future things may well be better, I might get a new heart and get a second chance, so many things will be different I can tell you.

10 years is a long time, without a drink and with Heart Failure, I am proud I have ‘lasted’ this long on both counts.  While my family has changed, a wonderful Niece and Nephew my life is almost exactly the same as it was 10 years ago after things settled down.  While I wish things were different they are not so lets raise a glass to 10 years, cream soda of course not that devils brew!

Dad’s Accident

March 25, 2012 at 14:22 | Posted in Health | 2 Comments

Unknown numbers calling the house at 8:30am on a day Dad is out working can never be a good thing.  It was the Head teacher of a school he was working at that day monitoring movement caused by subsidence.  A ladder had slipped away while Dad was on it, he had come down on top of it and they had called an ambulance.

Mum managed to speak to him and it was very much that he was shaken but nothing was broken, he would get looked at and then drive back home, this changed as time went by.  He did have broken bones, in fact a ‘smashed’ right elbow, a broken wrist on the left, damage to his face and right leg.  Further more the paramedics felt he may have actually broken his back and the HEMS Air Ambulance was called to the school. There was a broken bone but it was not in a vital area (Wedge stable fracture T7) so he was taken to St. Georges Hospital Trauma Unit by surface ambulance.

My Uncle was dispatched to the hospital to find out how things were going as he lived nearby in Croydon, Mum and my Sister went up later to see how he was, the fact was he was in a mess.

His smashed elbow needed plates and bolts and the operation should have taken place on Friday afternoon a few hours after his admission but actually happened on Saturday due to a problem with equipment.

The internal trauma was quite extensive and bruising came out at different speeds over the next few days. Very painful and morphine became Dad’s best friend for a couple of days.

Dad 3 days after

On Monday my Brother-in-law and I went up to Croydon on the train to retrieve Dad’s car which had been locked in the school car park over the weekend, Dad was actually changing the car on Tuesday so when we got back we cleared it out of equipment and personal items and Mum gave it a good hoover.

The operation had been a success and lots of x-rays and scans were taken of all parts of his body, physio started and appointments were made for the next few weeks, his face will have to be monitored as the swelling goes down and the bones settle.  Dad was very happy with his treatment in Tooting so he will be going back up there for subsequent appointments and not transferring to local hospital where he has had experiences not to be repeated.

He was discharged on Friday a week after the accident and my Uncle brought him home much to everyone’s relief, now the healing can really begin.  He is tired and still very sore all over but his smile is back and he can have a cup of  ‘proper tea’ and sleep in his own bed.

Shocking event but just another part of life’s journey I guess.

Broken Wrist Bolted elbow with extra bruising

My 20 Predictions for 2012

December 30, 2011 at 23:28 | Posted in General Discussion | Leave a comment

2011 has been a year in which we have seen so much and 2012 is shaping up to be the same, these are my ideas of how it might look, some obvious, some not.

1.The Labour Party will choose a new leader but not before November

2.Romney will face Obama in the US Presidential election and Obama will win big, very big also the Democrats will take control of the House of Representatives again, with a large majority.

3.London will cope very well with the Olympics, the British Team will not do so well.

4.Manchester United will win the Premiership title, again.

5.When it becomes clear the Republican’s are going to lose the race for the White House Israel will attack Iran without US backing.

6.The Queen will abdicate, Charles will take her place.

7.Chris Huhne and Vince Cable will leave the cabinet, one of them very early in the year.

8.There will be a massive crackdown on protests in Russia, Putin will retake control and make that control complete, he will outlaw any opposition.

9.The Formula One Championship will split into 2 groups, racing separately after the 2012 season, soon after Bernie gives up control after the summer.

10.Bruce Forsyth will stop.

11.The Sun newspaper will close down.

12.The Euro will totally disintegrate by May, civil unrest will spread across mainland Europe and there will be an refugee crisis on the shores of the UK.

13.The Pound will rise greatly in value against the Dollar despite the US economy recovering strongly.

14.Abba will reform for a tour.

15.The England Football Team will do very well at Euro2012 (last 4) but the manager will stand down afterwards, the new England Manager will not be called Harry.

16.Japan will tell the truth about Fukushima and the level of radioactive fallout, far larger than first thought.

17.There will be a major problem in space or travelling to and from space, humans may or may not be involved.

18.The UK will have a very hot summer, record breaking.

19.The UK will not see a return of the riots this summer.

20.There will be a major breakthrough in cancer research, nearly a cure.

Do you agree, what would you add?

Houlihan’s Breakfast Buffet, US 192

April 13, 2011 at 16:57 | Posted in Food | Leave a comment

Today we decided to try a different breakfast buffet.  We have been decade long lovers of the Sizzler breakie a particular favourite of the travelling Brit’s in Florida, this morning we were tempted into Houlihan’s……oops!

I had been reliably informed by my Sister that Houlihan’s was a restaurant but the number of separate bars scattered about the building, the ceiling lights, dark curtains and walls certainly reminded me of a couple of nightclubs I used to frequent in Brighton, like this place they always looked better after several gallons of ale.

Now the easy way to write this review would be to compare the experience with the one we had a Sizzler 2 days beforehand so that’s what I am going to do!  Are you all sitting comfortably?

At Sizzler you go to the till, confirm you numbers, order your tea/coffee and pay there and then, the same person who takes you payment leads you to your table, 9 times out of 10 your waitress is waiting there already, she confirms the drinks from your receipt as you go straight to the food, when you arrive back at the table with your first serving of bacon and eggs your coffee is there waiting for you, lovely and so easy and hassle free.  The waitress is always close with refills and is always ready to clear your plates as you finish them.  As you get up to leave she always says goodbye with a smile, a toothpick and a little minty sweet, there is no waiting for the check but straight out to start your day, full, happy and content.

And now for Houlihan’s this morning, we are not a massive party with 5 adults and 2 children and I was surprised how long it took to get a table in a half empty restaurant, the sofa’s by the door were comfortable but I was surprised I had to sit in it long enough for my arse cheeks to make quite such a large dent in it.  When the table was finally ‘ready’ we were led to a booth, tight for us 3 adults on one side and intimately tight on the other side for 2 adults, a 6 year old and a 2 year old with a booster seat.  It took a ‘server’ several further minutes to arrive and take our drinks order and leave us some plates and cutlery.  The food was ok, not as wide a selection as Sizzler and every real British man will struggle to find that unlike the mighty Sizzler these people do not supply you with a bottle of tomato ketchup, just tiny little cups of the stuff, I am not proud, I like things to be done the right way, where ever in the world I am.  Houlihan’s does boast an omelete bar, bit of a gimmick with a long queue and a little too much use of butter for my liking, I was happy to stick with the scrabbled version.

Now we hit the major drawback of sitting in a booth for an all you can eat breakfast buffet, can you guess it yet?  Exactly, as each person wants to get up for some more all the others around you have to get up aswell, over and over again. You spent the whole meal trying to synchronize finishing your plate with the rest of the family.

This is where we encountered the next problem with the Houlihan’s experience, they don’t clear the plates very quickly, before we began to make our own pile of used crockery at the end of the table my Father remarked that the scene was like something out of he blitz, rubble and debris as far as you could see.  As the pile of used plates grew on the end of the table I began to fear the weight could collapse the whole thing flipping it over like a deadly game of Buckaroo.

At this point I feel I have to mention that we are of course British so everytime the hostess or server asks if everything was alright we all smiled back and said it was great!!!

The check when it arrived was correct but it seem to be almost impossible to get catch anyones eye to take the bloody thing and process the card so we could all leave.  Once again we were all so grateful that the 18% tip was already added to the bottom of the bill for our CONVENIENCE!!!!!

Sizzler, we love you, will you forgive us for 2 timing you this morning, never again will we go behind your back and eat a breakfast buffet anywhere else but with you, I am just so, so sorry.

Review of Character Breakfast Universal Orlando

April 7, 2011 at 18:07 | Posted in Food | Leave a comment

500 kids with 500 parents and other hanger’s on packed into a restaurant built for 300 at the most. Each table fillled to busting, 7 of us around a table made for 4. While this ‘restaurant’ has a kitchen with a serving area they instead decided to put the food in temporary warming trays on yet more tables on the far side of the room, they had to carry the food through the restaurant everytime they needed to fill up the trays.
The ‘Characters’ were very professional, Spiderman, Cat in a Hat and Thing 1 & 2. They went to each table and played with the kids, they stood for all the photo’s the parents wanted and more.
Our waitress first managed to screw up by not bringing the one tea our table had ordered, she then managed to pour coffee all over the said table while attempting to refill a mug. The final act in this comedy of errors was when it took her 4 times to get the bill correct, at one point adding 2 more adults than we had around our table, not sure where she thought they were, there was certainly no room for any more chairs around the bloody thing.
At this point I left, concerned by brother-in-Law was about to have a psychotic break as he chased the waitress back and forth from the cash register.
All in all an interesting experience never to be repeated why I still have my strength.

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