Dad’s Accident

March 25, 2012 at 14:22 | Posted in Health | 2 Comments

Unknown numbers calling the house at 8:30am on a day Dad is out working can never be a good thing.  It was the Head teacher of a school he was working at that day monitoring movement caused by subsidence.  A ladder had slipped away while Dad was on it, he had come down on top of it and they had called an ambulance.

Mum managed to speak to him and it was very much that he was shaken but nothing was broken, he would get looked at and then drive back home, this changed as time went by.  He did have broken bones, in fact a ‘smashed’ right elbow, a broken wrist on the left, damage to his face and right leg.  Further more the paramedics felt he may have actually broken his back and the HEMS Air Ambulance was called to the school. There was a broken bone but it was not in a vital area (Wedge stable fracture T7) so he was taken to St. Georges Hospital Trauma Unit by surface ambulance.

My Uncle was dispatched to the hospital to find out how things were going as he lived nearby in Croydon, Mum and my Sister went up later to see how he was, the fact was he was in a mess.

His smashed elbow needed plates and bolts and the operation should have taken place on Friday afternoon a few hours after his admission but actually happened on Saturday due to a problem with equipment.

The internal trauma was quite extensive and bruising came out at different speeds over the next few days. Very painful and morphine became Dad’s best friend for a couple of days.

Dad 3 days after

On Monday my Brother-in-law and I went up to Croydon on the train to retrieve Dad’s car which had been locked in the school car park over the weekend, Dad was actually changing the car on Tuesday so when we got back we cleared it out of equipment and personal items and Mum gave it a good hoover.

The operation had been a success and lots of x-rays and scans were taken of all parts of his body, physio started and appointments were made for the next few weeks, his face will have to be monitored as the swelling goes down and the bones settle.  Dad was very happy with his treatment in Tooting so he will be going back up there for subsequent appointments and not transferring to local hospital where he has had experiences not to be repeated.

He was discharged on Friday a week after the accident and my Uncle brought him home much to everyone’s relief, now the healing can really begin.  He is tired and still very sore all over but his smile is back and he can have a cup of  ‘proper tea’ and sleep in his own bed.

Shocking event but just another part of life’s journey I guess.

Broken Wrist Bolted elbow with extra bruising

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